This website is my personal baby. I love gathering and presenting information, and compiling this library has been (and will continue to be) incredibly exciting and fulfilling.
But sometimes I want to share some personal insight or experience, which is not necessarily based on facts and research, but on my own experiences as a nursing sister and a mother.
Those who know me well will know I am quite opiniated. But few things have changed so many of my opinions as motherhood.
I found being a mother unexpectedly challenging. And yet, it also brought me joy in the most unexpected ways.
In this blog I want to leave space for myself to also share these thoughts and ideas. Perhaps I can help a mom somewhere on her own journey.

Most new moms will experience some breastfeeding difficulties in the early days. Getting latching right and figuring out your baby’s needs are big tasks. Even after overcoming the initial hitches, the early weeks may be filled with many questions. How do you know your baby is getting enough? Is it normal for baby to feed this often? Why is baby restless and fussy? Is your milk nutritious enough? Should your baby not be sleeping better by now? No wonder many[...]