Expressing breast milk provides a mom with a way of continuing to give her baby breast milk, even when they are separated, It also helps her to keep her milk supply going until she can breastfeed again.
In a society where most moms need to work, expressing has become a crucial part of many moms’ breastfeeding journeys. For a mom with a baby in NICU, this journey may be completely dependent on it. Exclusive pumping is another option now available to mothers, who would not have had this choice decades ago.
We believe expressing is an option that most moms can find use for. This section provides detailed information on the tools and tricks of the expressing trade.
In 2022 the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Brought out a new protocol, Clinical Protocol #36, on managing the mastitis spectrum. This protocol has replaced previous ones and completely changed how we look at engorgement, mastitis and other breast tissue complications like breast abscesses and plugged ducts. Please note that this is part of our series on ‘ The Updated Protocols on Engorgement, Mastitis and Breast Tissue Complications’. Please click here to visit the main article in the series, which will[...]
Hand expressing is a worthwhile skill for any mom to learn. Note though, that like most other skills it is something that you develop. Many mothers try once or twice and then decide that this is not working, while meanwhile they just needed to practice a bit more. For that matter, this is also the case when using a breast pump. Hand expressing is especially useful under these circumstances: Engorgement and mastitis often responds better to hand expressing than to[...]
Silicone breast pumps, also called silicone suction cups have been around for a few years now. Although the initial craze has has passed, many moms love them, which says something (they wouldn’t get good feedback if they didn’t work at all). From a lactation consultant viewpoint there are some concerns though. And as with most other tools and gadgets, they have a place but need to be used correctly and for the right reasons. What is a silicone breast pump?[...]
When one should start expressing causes confusion for both mothers and healthcare professionals. Moms are often told not to express before 6 weeks. But many don’t realize that expressing sometimes form part of the care plan for a specific breastfeeding difficulty, and at other times is something a mom does for convenience or for building a freezer stash. This means that there are many grey areas, and that you need to find the option that will work for your unique[...]
Congratulations on your decision to continue breastfeeding your baby for longer. Expressing breast milk is a momentous task. Below is a list the must-have items that you will need, as well as some nice-to-haves to make things easier for you. You can also book a Breast Pump Demo slot with one of our lactation consultants if you need more assistance in choosing a pump and in expressing milk. ITEMWHAT WILL YOU USE IT FORBreast pumpYour breast pump will play a[...]
For many years breast pumps came in a one size that (didn't) fit all. But breasts and nipples come in many shapes and sizes. It is crucial to your expressing success that you use the correct size breast pump flange. A flange that is too big or too small will lead to many pumping problems. Feeling confused? See our printable nipple and flange measuring tool to help you understand flange size and to determine the best size to use. Ideally,[...]