It is saddening that this is the part moms hear most about from friends and family – sore and bleeding nipples, full and leaking breasts, blocked ducts and mastitis…no wonder the task seems daunting.
The good news is that many of these issues can be prevented by getting the basics right. With good advice in the early days and by getting help sooner rather than later, most mothers will be able to breastfeed without major problems.
And then, if you do end up experiencing difficulties there are lots of tips and tricks to make things easier for you. Read on and let us know if you cannot find a solution to your problem, or if you need referral to a lactation consultant in your area.
‘I’ve never felt that terrible before’, is usually the reply one receives when asking a breastfeeding mom about her bout of mastitis. Mastitis is the name for a collective group of symptoms/conditions linked to inflammation of breast tissue in a breastfeeding mother. In 2022 the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine updated their protocol on the management of mastitis and related conditions, completely changing how we view and treat these. Please note that this feature is part of our series on ‘[...]
Few moms will search for ‘breast oedema’, or even be interested in it, so I assume your reached this page via our features on engorgement and mastitis. If so, you are probably not feeling great right now. Occasionally full, sore breasts in the early days may be caused by too much fluid in the breasts, and not by too much milk. This is called breast oedema, or swelling. It is most likely to happen if mom received lot of intravenous[...]
In 2022 the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Brought out a new protocol, Clinical Protocol #36, on managing the mastitis spectrum. This protocol has replaced previous ones and completely changed how we look at engorgement, mastitis and other breast tissue complications like breast abscesses and plugged ducts. Please note that this is part of our series on ‘ The Updated Protocols on Engorgement, Mastitis and Breast Tissue Complications’. Please click here to visit the main article in the series, which will[...]
In 2022 the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine brought out Clinical Protocol #36, an updated protocol on managing the mastitis spectrum. This protocol has replaced previous ones and completely changed how we look at engorgement, mastitis and other breast tissue complications like breast abscesses and plugged ducts. Before I continue I want to thank and give credit to my colleague Christine Swanepoel, a SACLC and All Things Breastfeeding breast pump demo centre consultant in Boksburg. She has done an amazing job[...]
Beast engorgement remains one of the biggest reasons why mothers seek the assistance of a lactation consultant. Please note that this is part of our series on ‘ The Updated Protocols on Engorgement, Mastitis and Breast Tissue Complications’. Please click here to visit the main article in the series, which explains the how's and why's. This feature will also give you access to all our other supportive content. Engorgement is a term used for any type of breast fullness and[...]
When asking pregnant moms what concerns them most about breastfeeding, I always receive these two replies: That they won’t have enough breast milk (read our article on false alarms for low milk supply) That breastfeeding will be painful And painful nipples are indeed cringe-worthy. New mothers are subjected to horror stories of tiny newborn babies basically chewing away at their mothers’ nipples like little piranhas. The good news is that the above is not a given, and that there is[...]